Wednesday, 19 December 2012

New web site

A New Year and a New Web Site for Astbury Formentera

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new web site on Wednesday 19 December 2012:

Ben has been working hard on this project for some time now with a team that includes translators (we are now in 4 languages), web designers, graphic designers and web technologists to ensure a smooth transition from the trusted and valued old version to the exciting, high tech new version.
We hope you like it and would welcome any constructive suggestions if you find any problems as you navigate the sites.

Our programme for Summer 2013 has now been on sale for a month and bookings are excellent.
The response we have had from our existing guests has been remarkable with a high percentage re-booking for next summer before we opened our charts up to new enquiries.

Thank you all for your confidence in us and for the many emails of thanks we have received following your holidays this summer, we really appreciate hearing from you.

2012 was a great year on Formentera, the weather was fantastic, the sea sublime and the atmosphere on the island truly memorable ..... roll on 2013!

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year.
The entire Astbury Team look forward to welcoming you to this very special island in the summer of 2013.

Now, have a look for yourself and choose one of our lovely properties for your next holiday in ....

Formentera  ....... still the Mediterranean's Best Kept Secret

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